My friend Paul and I decided to start a collaboration to keep each other inspired in our photography. The project involves choosing a word each month and shooting that word within the context of our cities, he in Los Angeles and myself in New York. June’s word was “Paradise”. Originally from Southern California, my definition of paradise will always be the beach, preferably at sunset, the sound of the waves crashing, the distance of the horizon putting everything in perspective. But I live in New York City and while I have a fantastic skyline and beaches within a train rides distance, it’s just not the same. So within the confines of the city, paradise to me is the Museum of Modern Art. I love the stark white walls and the thoughtful modern architecture and most of all I love the Edward Steichen Photography Gallery. This is where I shot my photo for June. I had to sit and wait for that split second when there wasn’t someone walking by so I might have shot it a little differently if I had an empty room and a tripod. Still I like how it captures the modern element of the museum’s design, the black and white photographs I love so much, and brings in a bit of warmth with the hardwood floor. It’s not fancy or incredibly technical but it’s what I wanted to shoot for this months word so I achieved my concept.
Paul is an incredibly talented photographer so I hope you’ll check out his new website: Ventured Away Photography.