Speak to the soul…
“Mere colour, unspoiled by meaning, and unallied with definite form, can speak to the soul in a thousand different ways” –Oscar Wilde I’m not sure what this little flower is – I found it at the local bodega just steps from my apartment. Whatever it is, I think it’s beautiful and I’m okay with […]
No matter what we have come through…
“No matter what we have come through, or how many perils we have safely passed, or how many imperfect and jagged – in some places perhaps irreparably – our life has been, we cannot in our heart of hearts imagine how it could have been different. As we look back on it, it slips in […]
The dust of everyday life…
“Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life” – Pablo Picasso I’ll have some delicious food photos later this weekend but until then, here’s a bit of trunk we cut off our christmas tree. I love what looks like the number 4 – as if a secret message.
Always, always you recede through the evenings…
“Clenched Soul” by Pablo Neruda We have lost even this twilight. No one saw us this evening hand in hand while the blue night dropped on the world. I have seen from my window the fiesta of sunset in the distant mountain tops. Sometimes a piece of sun burned like a coin in […]
Happy Thanksgiving!
Vintage Fall Leaves I wanted to post these for one last look at Fall before heading into Winter. It’s getting much cooler here and as we head upstate, I have my first snowfall to look forward to. Wishing everyone a wonderful and restful holiday. I’ll post again when I return! Photo created using action Vintage […]
Until my heart is quenched at length…
“A Prayer” by Sarah Teasdale Until I lose my soul and lie Blind to the beauty of the earth, Deaf though shouting wind goes by, Dumb in a storm of mirth; Until my heart is quenched at length And I have left the land of men, Oh, let me love with all my […]
I keep on dying again…
The Lesson – Maya Angelou I keep on dying again. Veins collapse, opening like the Small fists of sleeping Children. Memory of old tombs, Rotting flesh and worms do Not convince me against The challenge. The years And cold defeat live deep in Lines along my face. They dull my eyes, yet I keep […]
Being happy…
“We all live with the objective of being happy; our lives are all different and yet the same” – Anne Frank My goal today is to approach the world with a positive heart (despite the fact that it’s monday and I’m off to a day of work). Wishing everyone a good start to the week!
A dreamer…
“A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world” – Oscar Wilde
A spell of rest, and quiet breath, and cool…
I Am in Need of Music by Elizabeth Bishop I am in need of music that would flowOver my fretful, feeling fingertips,Over my bitter-tainted, trembling lips,With melody, deep, clear, and liquid-slow.Oh, for the healing swaying, old and low,Of some song sung to rest the tired dead,A song to fall like water on my head,And over […]